
Sunday 15 September 2024

2870 Without this country , there’s no identity.

Hindi version 1900

Punjabi version 2869

Some remember our martyrs with pride,

While others, with slogans, tear the nation wide.

In all these years of freedom’s glow,

What have we gained? What have we let go?

On one side, we hail "Jai Hind" with glee,

On the other, dreams of division we see.

It's hard to tell who’s friend or foe,

Would we betray the dreams, our heroes did sow?

How will we stay united, if we divide?

Why in the name of faith, do we take sides?

In the name of language, or the color we show,

Why do we tear the country, like a cruel blow?

Don’t you see, without this land so bright,

Your faith, your language, lose their light.

The things for which you split and fight,

Without this nation, none stand upright.

If this land falls, what will remain?

Without it, nothing, all in vain.

Without this country, there is no "we,"

Without this land, there’s no identity.

4.16pm 15 September 2024

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