
Thursday 8 August 2024

K3 2830 Let's talk Again (English Poetry)

Hindi version 2583

On a path, we walked side by side,

With love, our hands we did confide.

But why did our distance grow?

Why did our ways part, do you know?

What happened that we drifted apart,

With distance grew hatred in our heart.

Who spreads this hate, tearing us away,

Leading us astray day by day?

Why can't we see their sly game,

Why can't we be the same?

Once united, now we're split,

What can we do to close this rift?

Let's find a way to end this strife,

Bring back those who left our life.

Let's start anew, hand in hand,

Walk together, make a stand.

As we walk, let’s talk again,

Believe in each other, ease the pain.

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