
Friday 9 August 2024

K3 2831 First love (English poetry)

 Hindi version 2581

First love 

Though you may have forgotten me now, I was your first love, you see.

Without me, nothing else in your life could ever truly be.

No matter how much love you receive from others around,

It was only my love that your heart sought and found.

What happened that made you forget our days of bliss?

Whose embrace have you found, where you now find your kiss?

I know in youth you seek the springtime's blooming hues,

But don't forget the one who made all your flowers choose.

In my arms, you saw heaven, a paradise so near,

Without seeing me, each moment felt like a year.

Why do my eyes now bring you pain,

When my heart still beats for you, driving me insane?

My eyes long to see you, my words still call your name,

Why do my words no longer bring you the same flame?

For just a moment when I saw you, my heart sought that love anew,

Though you may have forgotten me now, I was your first love, it's true.

(A mother's love for her son)