
Monday 26 August 2024

2850 Janamshtmi Special Shayam Bhazan (English poetry)

Hindi version 2350

O Shyama, make me your humble, faithful slave, 

In my heart, light the lamp of love that I crave.

With your glimpse, O Shyama, my soul will rejoice,

Tell me where, my Lord, lies your heavenly voice.

Do you remember your devotees’ pleas, O Shyama?

You’re the trickster I know, yet still, I do trust, 

Without you, these dark nights, in pain, I adjust.

Don’t leave me suffering, O Lord, alone.  

If I’ve sinned, O Shyama, let me know my mistake,

But embrace me, dear Lord, for your mercy I ache.

Punish me if needed, but make me your own.

2.35pm 26 Aug 2024

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