
Tuesday 15 October 2024

2900 Roam from door to door (English poetry),

 With the weight upon my heart, I roam from door to door,

Knowing not when this soul of mine will find a place once more.

People call me mad, they say, people that I see,

Yet I ignore them all and walk the path that’s meant for me.

They tell me words in silence, for my tongue does not betray,

Let’s see whose words will linger and whose will fade away.

The world survives on hope, as hope keeps me upright,

We’ll see how life unfolds itself, where it will take its flight.

A few short days of moonlight, then darkness will descend,

So sing and smile and laugh awhile, for life will shortly end.

When the moment comes, they’ll stand before you face to face,

So 'Geet' keep yourself alive and strong, leave not a single trace.

3.00pm 15 Oct 2024

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